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Why does developing a Family Media Plan make sense?

Like most parents, you probably worry about your child's device use. Studies show that children 8-12 years old spend an average of 5 1/2 hours daily on social media, and teens spend an average of 8 1/2 hours a day! Low income and children of color spend even more time on social media.

Imagine, on average, teens spend the equivalent of a work day on activities that fuel their brain's dopamine fueled pleasure centers. While some of the content they're consuming might be educational, screen time has been associated with sleep problems, obesity, school performance, behavioral problems, cyberbullying, sexting and other risky behaviors, as well as addictive internet use.

The young brain is not fully developed until 25 years old and we do not know what device use and social media is doing to the developing brain. What is clear is that I see children in my psychiatric practice with poor self esteem and self image, and even with symptoms of depression, anxiety, phobias, and addictive internet use fueled by social media. Remember, by definition, children and teens are vulnerable because they are more impulsive, lack problem solving skills, and the lack good judgment adults possess. Moreover, teens especially want to fit in and might push some initial qualms aside to please their peers, other teens, or an unknown adult they've met online and call 'friend'.

So, create a family media plan, and learn how to monitor your child's device and social media use. Unfortunately, legislation and social media platforms are woefully behind addressing this important societal issue, but you can be in the forefront of this matter for your family.

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